When Monki does Elise Chalmin..

Today I had the great surprise of receiving via a journalist an image of a t-shirt from the next collection from Monki. Photo of a t-shirt almost like my Lolita t-shirt, my best-seller. Subject of a great communication work directed by me, months of work so that this simple but original t-shirt reaches the eyes of journalists, models, actresses, it girls and obviously the eyes of the competition.
Competition? No, not really, we do not sell the same work or the same love in our products, nor the same quality and even less the same ethics.
My name is Elise Chalmin, I am 26 years old and I started my brand two years ago with my own ideas and my own money. Today I am surprised and delighted to see that my creations are flying all over France and abroad to find their new owners. What a joy to receive photos from my customers so happy with their purchases. That is the work of a young designer, having a direct link with your customers, for the good and the bad sides but it brings a lot of authenticity to my work, and it is for this link that I continue to fight! And if not all periods are easy, my collections are a concentrate of patience, research and love.
Today I am disgusted (and it is indeed the case to say it) to note, once again, that such a big brand seeks to inflate its turnover by taking inspiration from a young designer. Who are you to allow yourself to take ideas and distribute them in your 115 stores around the world?
We do not have the same vision of fashion and with your actions you devalue my work by giving so little importance to these hearts that come from mine.
I am well aware that I did not invent the concept of "nipple covers" even in the shape of a heart, but today I do not believe much in a coincidence as to the release period of these t-shirts. My t-shirt has been on sale since October, it has been the subject of a great deal of communication work, I have neither a press officer nor a communication agent so I take care of all that, alone.
And when I see this other t-shirt appear 5 months after mine came out, I don't believe much in coincidence.
How can we, young creators, defend ourselves against such industry giants? Seeing the growing success of my heart-shaped tee-shirts, I knew that I would not escape this free copy, this useless approach which consists of going to see what is happening at the neighbor's and reproducing his work without shame.
I'm not the only one this happened to this year. I still remember the exact copy of Tuesday Bassen's pins at Zara (photo) but especially the industry giant's response to this designer: yes we copied but you are not popular enough to defend yourself against us.
A few months ago, this was the case of the talented illustrator Mathilde Cabanas, copied by IKKS. (photo)
Well today yay (I was really waiting for this moment impatiently) it's my turn!
Please share this article with as many people as possible.
and to get your Lolita t-shirt, and not the one from Monki, it's here .



Je partage totalement votre opinion et suis moi-meme indignee par la copie qui est la marque de fabrique des enseignes de fast fashions. Cependant, la realite aujourd’hui, c’est que bons nombres de createurs ont un prix de vente par article qui n’est pas abordable pour la majeure partie de la population. Encore, votre marque est parmi les plus raisonnable en prix. Pour reprendre l’exemple du tee shirt Lolita, vendu 50 euros, soit plus de deux fois plus qu’un tee shirt Levis en coton et imprime ? Je comprends que, certaines clientes avec de plus petits moyens soient tentees d’acheter le Monki (actuellement toujours en vente a Londres ou je vis pour la somme de 8 livres, en 100% coton).

Je ne connais pas les strategies de pricing, mais la realite est que la voie juridique doit prevaloir pour vous proteger, autrement le systeme actuel continuera malheureusement de beneficier aux grands de l’industrie …

Tous mes voeux de reussite, je me commande un Lolita au passage,


Lily May 08, 2018

j’adore votre travail et votre tenace. Les copieurs d’idées sont toujours derrière la rue. Mais quand nous voulons le meilleur nous le cherchons chez les meilleurs. bon courage! Et Bravo

barbara August 11, 2017

Et bien voilà je viens de discuter avec vous d’une autre marque qui reproduit votre création je partage avec mes abonnés pour moi c’est de la contrefaçon étant en couple avec un juge dont la mission et de lutter contre la mafia de la contrefaçon je suis dégoûtée car la contrefaçon devient un fléau savez-vous que même les médicaments sont contrefaits il existe du matériel employés pour dilater une artère du cœur qui est sur le marché mais contrefaite certains diront mais enfin c’est un teeshirt et bien non ç’est comme ça que ça commence , aujourd’hui le rôle des infirmières en bloc opératoire c’est de contrôler à deux les numéros de séries avant d’implanter du matériel chez les patients si c’est pas fait c’est une faute professionnels grave
Voilà je m’arrête car oui la contrefaçon c’est un système mafieux
Bien à vous Élise

BABOU July 22, 2017

Un seul mot : écoeurant !

bopha February 28, 2017

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