Great initiatives

Creativity is born from constraint. In recent days, we have noticed a surge in initiatives of all kinds. We have made a short summary of our discoveries, feel free to share yours with us.

The skincare brand Aime has set up a live schedule on Instagram this week. Every day, find at least one activity hosted by one of the 10 experts selected to take care of you. On the program, among other things, mediation with Stéphanie from @mademoisellepierreofficiel (who also offers Vinyasa Flow yoga every morning at 9am on her personal account), smoothie bowl with@stephanieguillemette or make-up tutorial with @lesliedumeix.mua . There is something for everyone and at all times!

In the same spirit, Lili Barbery-Coulon offers a meditation session every evening at 6 p.m. live on her Instagram .

The Yoga Factory studio also offers on its Instagram different Yoga and Pilates classes, accessible to all! Your abs will be hot…!

If you loved Elise's coloring pages last week and you want to make yourself useful, don't hesitate to send your creations to the email address who will take care of printing them and sending them to the healthcare workers to give them a little balm to their hearts.

On the same theme, our friends from the Mathilde Cabanas brand have given free access on their website to coloring pages of their famous "Bisou" to stick on windows, but also activity schedules for children AND adults, and always with a touch of humor!

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If you are a volunteer, a public or associative structure and you want to help, go to the site . You will be able to participate in food and emergency aid for the most deprived, help look after the children of caregivers, maintain contact by telephone, email, etc. with isolated vulnerable people or even do the shopping for the most vulnerable neighbors for example.

We can also very easily make a donation of the amount we wish to the Fondation des Hôpitaux de France via this link . Thanks to the 66% tax deduction, our donation of €60 comes to €20.40. Motivating, right?

We have certainly missed some great initiatives so don't hesitate to share your best discoveries with us. It's nice to see all that is possible to do while staying at home, it motivates us even more to do beautiful and great things in a few weeks!

Take care of yourself !

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