In January 2024, we launched “Le Cœur sur la Main”, our movement which aims to put optimism at the service of action. This season and on the occasion of the International Day of Non-Violence, established in tribute to Mahatma Ghandi, we have decided to support the Maison des Femmes.
The Maison des Femmes is an organization that was created in July 2016 by Dr. Ghada Hatem. Its mission is to help and support women in difficulty or victims of violence and offers local multidisciplinary care.
For each sale of our new version of the heart t-shirt, €10 is donated to the Maison des Femmes, thus contributing to their financing and allowing them to continue to offer their essential services to these women in distress.
Learn more about the women’s house:
The services of the Maison des Femmes are not limited to medical care. In fact, they offer comprehensive support through four units: Sexual Health and IVG, Female Genital Mutilation, Domestic, Intra-Family, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, as well as CORALIS for the reception of women victims of rape and sexual assault. In addition, patients benefit from social and legal support, psycho-corporal care, and numerous workshops to improve self-esteem. They also have the possibility of filing a complaint on site, thus facilitating their legal proceedings. Today, the Maison des Femmes welcomes between 60 and 90 women per day, offering a haven of peace and support to those who need it most. By supporting the Maison des Femmes by purchasing our t-shirts, you are directly contributing to this essential cause.