Le Hair Care Homemade Du Dimanche

Sunday Homemade Hair Care

Hello hello! We're back in the kitchen but this time it's for crazy hair!! This is not the time to go out and buy hair masks or even natural o...

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Les belles initiatives #2

Great initiatives #2

We are back at the end of this 3rd week to share with you the latest great initiatives of all kinds that we have discovered. Let's go! Let’s con...

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Les poissons d'Avril !

April Fools!

This is not a joke! We are so happy to see that you print our coloring pages at home and send us your colorful photos full of optimism! For A...

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La sélection de Margaux Avril

Margaux Avril's selection

Spring is slowly settling in and what a pleasure to be able to feel the sun on your face and finally put on your Frida dress ... To celebrate the a...

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Les belles initiatives

Great initiatives

Creativity is born from constraint. In recent days, we have noticed a surge in initiatives of all kinds. We have made a short summary of our discov...

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Les coups de coeur lecture de l'équipe

The team's reading favorites

This break time is an opportunity for us to share with you our favorites, our tips, our recipes. We will try to keep up the pace and regularly off...

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