Some ideas to make confinement a great opportunity

What could be better than this period of confinement to do activities that we never have the opportunity to do? If you are lacking inspiration, Elise Chalmin's team comes to the rescue to offer you different ways to pass the time.

Elise has imagined several coloring pages to keep young and old busy, to be found at the end of the article!
  • Take the time

The opportunity has come to use the products that are lying around in our bathroom, and that we do not throw away, "it can always be useful". Do a manicure, use the golden mask received during a Secret Santa, give your hair an oil bath. It is also the opportunity to do a big clean at home, or to sort out your wardrobe.

What if the post-Covid19 period was synonymous with renewal?

While respecting the usual precautions (safe distance, staying outside and not touching anything), do not hesitate to ask how your neighbors are. If some are elderly, why not offer to do their shopping and drop them off in front of their house for example.

  • Challenge yourself

To spice up our daily lives a little, there's nothing better than setting ourselves challenges. They can be of all kinds. Finishing all ten seasons of Friends in a fortnight, trying to finally achieve perfect curls with a straightener (a big problem)... These days at home could also be a good opportunity to get into the kitchen for beginners and for experienced people, to make new recipes. To start, there's nothing better than making desserts that are both aesthetic and delicious! You'll find what you're looking for on Pinterest, but the rustic tart by @plus_une_miette and the lemon grapefruit speculoos tart by @mamieboude are making us want to try it. Ready for the challenge Elise?

  • Listen, watch, read, play

Bust your goal of books to read this year, watch documentaries on Netflix (we recommend Gaga: Five Foot Two and The True Cost in another genre), discover new podcasts like Pow[HER] , a podcast created by Emilie Le Guiniec and Emilie Daudin aka @emiliebrunette , a podcast that talks about women.

Also rediscover your classics with your family and your confinement companions by playing dominoes, mikado and even puzzles.

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  • Be creative

To all the moms (yes, you are a very large majority of women reading us), the DIY specialists on Instagram @morganours and @adc_deborah have created the account @coronaminus_kid to entertain the little ones with the means at hand during this confinement.

For the more manual among us, it's time to start this embroidery, this knitting so long put aside due to lack of time. And for those who have the material, make beautiful punch needles!

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For the more DIY-minded, make the cane headboard from @miss_etc . With a bit of luck, like Sabine the designer, you have some cane left in your cellar. You never know…

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The exquisite corpse is also a good group entertainment, with or without children, and only requires sheets of paper and something to write/draw with. It is a collective game invented by the surrealists in the 1920s. In the drawing or writing version, the principle is simple.

For the writing version: on a strip of paper, write the subject of a sentence, then fold the strip to hide its word and pass the sheet to your neighbor. This one will write the noun complement, the next one the verb, the verb complement etc… Once the sentence is finished, unfold the strips of paper and discover sentences that are often without head or tail and savor the magic of chance. In the drawing version, ideal with children, the first person will draw the head of a character then fold the paper leaving a few millimeters of their drawing sticking out so that the next person can draw the bust. The next person will draw the lower body, then the legs, then the feet. You will thus discover the creature created together!

Exquisite Corpse by André Breton

And to continue on the theme of drawing, take out your colored pencils and markers and have fun with these coloring pages that Elise has drawn especially for the occasion! All you have to do is print them :)

Please feel free to share the result with us!


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